Custom work

bespoke additions for your machine

From a simple naked group handle conversion to a full overhaul/upgrade and paint job, I can help you with any custom work – even custom panels, dual-boiler conversions or brew pressure control modifications, if you’ve got the vision for what you want, I can probably make it happen – depending on whether the result is going to remain functional and safe.

Some examples of custom work:

  • By far the most common, conversion to naked group handles. Machine-cut, beveled and polished, 100% accurate.
  • Pre-infusion control for solenoid group semi-automatic machines, domestic and commercial
  • Actively heated groups for fine control over brew temperature (dependent on group design)
  • Fabrication of new parts where the originals are unavailable – eg. lever pistons
  • Brazing new copper pipes and fittings to replace worn originals
  • Adding brew pressure gauge where none is provided
  • Custom handles in hardwood or delrin plastic

Again, just give me a call to discuss your ideas and we’ll see what can be done.